How to Make Friends Online

Users tell us that one of the reasons they regularly come back to the site is to chat and make new friends. To put it crudely, not everyone wants to chat because they’re feeling flirty!

Sometimes you just want to hang out and talk about stuff. Movies, bands, that cliffhanger episode of the Walking Dead last night.

Or maybe you just need a different perspective on life. A Stranger is perfect for getting a completely objective opinion on a trouble you’re having.

The bottom line is, sometimes you just need a new friend!

So Here’s the Skinny on How to Make Friends Online on Strangermeetup

It’s pretty simple, really. Be a good friend yourself!

  1. The easiest way to impress someone is to put them first.You don’t need to have a clever schtick for chatting. You may not realize it but that makes the conversation all about you. Instead, focus on the Stranger you’re chatting with.
  2. Ask questions. This is another way to show your chat partner you’re interested in who they are and what they’re doing. No need to be fancy. A simple “How’s your day going?” or “What are you up to?” will work just fine. Then, just see what happens from there.
  3. Listen to the answers. Be a good listener. Show you’re listening by responding to what your chat partner is saying. Words like Really ? Tell me more ? It’s okay to rant :=). It might encourage people to open up. But remember: don’t be pushy. It can take time for people to be confident in opening up to you, even if they really do want to talk.
  4. Be upbeat and friendly. This might sound contradictory to what we said earlier. It’s not! Nobody wants to talk to Mr Grumble Socks. Even if you want to reach out to a strange and share something that’s bugging you or really important to you, try not to rant or whine. Which leads us to our next tip…
  5. Have a sense of humor! We can’t stress how important it is to be playful on StrangerMeetup. It’s good to make people laugh, make them feel good and want to chat with you. You don’t have to be the life and soul of the party. But if life sucks, have a sense of humor about it.

Making friends online really is easy. I hope these 5 tips helped. If you want to try them out, come find me in the chat, won’t you?